INTERVIEWS: All applicants meeting the minimum requirements will be interviewed by the Committee, which will give them a numeric score based on their interview, education and work experience. Applicants will be asked a series of standard questions. After they leave, each Committee member will give them a numeric score. These scores are then averaged together for a composite score, which will determine the applicant’s rank on the applicant holding list.
SELECTION: Applicants will then be placed on the applicant holding list, ranked by score, for the occupation and area for which they have interviewed. The applicant holding list includes all applicants which have interviewed for that occupation in the previous two years.
Applicants will be offered apprenticeship off of the holding list, as needed to meet Industry needs, beginning with those with the highest score at the time of selection.
Applicants will remain on the holding list for a period of 2 years unless they are selected, or decline an offer, for apprenticeship, or request to be removed. After 2 years they will be dropped from the list. They may reapply after this, or after at least 90 days, if they qualify for re-interview by taking at least two post-secondary industry related classes or working at least 450 hours in the electrical construction industry.
All applicants offered apprenticeship must first pass a drug and alcohol screen test, paid for by the JATC, prior to being registered as an apprentice in the program. All applicants for Inside Wireman who are offered apprenticeship must also first pass a physical examination, paid for by the JATC, prior to being registered as an apprentice in the program. Applicants who fail either test will not be registered as apprentices and will be removed from the applicant holding list.